Friday, 4 December 2015

STL Literacy

November 2015

Supporting Literacy

Today I was supporting a group in Year 2 during their literacy learning.  The session started with a whole class recap by the class teacher on how to use punctuation marks.  Following this I worked with a group who had been identified as needing support to do the learning activity.  The Learning Objective, communicated to the pupil's as the WALT was 'To correctly place inverted commas in a sentence'.  The children were given a worksheet that had sentences from familiar traditional tales, and the task was to put the' inverted commas' in the correct place in the sentences.  During the activity, I assisted children in many ways; to read the sentence, to repeat the sentence using expression in their voice to help to identify the speech, and reminding them what speech marks look like.  By the end of the activity, it was clear to me which pupils had met the learning objective to place the punctuation marks correctly in a sentence.  Some had managed the task, but one or two had struggled to understand and identify where the punctuation marks need to go. I had a simple tick list with space to write a comment if needed, and handed the sheet to the teacher to inform her planning on the next steps for each pupil.  

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